How to become a Puppeteer?
Being a Puppeteer is not your everyday occupation. Not many people have met a professional puppeteer, and when they do, are pleasantly surprised at how many other parallel activities they had to do before they could dedicate their lives to the art form.
Being a puppeteer combines many skills: acting, singing, improvisation, character voice creation, writing, set construction, painting, sewing, etc. Many puppeteers make their own puppets.
Learning about puppetry – the world’s oldest performing art – is a fun process. You can learn from the Internet, books and by watching puppets on television or at a live production. There are schools and colleges that teach puppetry as well. Not many, but they are out there.
One place that offers a variety of professional puppetry classes is here at Puppetry Plus, with at this point classes in Los Angeles and San Francisco only. Being mentored by a professional in the area is another way one can learn the craft.
Our classes at the moment are:
Puppetry for Film and Television - Beginner, Intermediate and Advanced Levels
Theatrical Puppetry - Beginner, Intermediate and Advanced Levels
Puppet Building - One-Day Workshop, Professional Beginner, Intermediate and Advanced Levels
To check which classes are available, please go to our STORE and check the city near you.
Puppeteering can be more than fun. It can be a unique way of communicating a message, a story, beauty, and artistry.