It Can't Get Any Better!
When a couple knock at your door and say: "We want to get married by a puppet and we need your help", first, you thank to the Puppet Gods it happened to you and then, you let all the fun begin.
That's what happened to me, when Tammy and Joe decided that there will be puppets everywhere in their wedding. On stage, guests would make their own puppet souvenir to take home, everything was amazing!
We helped them improving the wonderful script they already had with some suggestions, built Captain Stubbing, taught them how to build their own puppet souvenir, organized the casting auditions, rehearsals, and then, when the great day arrived, everything was perfect.
PS: "I'm even the voice on the phone that calls Tammy during the ceremony, the UCLA Alumni Association person..." - Roberto.
Here are some photos we took and also a video of the wedding.